JDE Security Academy Part 1
Course 01 - Security Basics

We begin our JDE Security Academy with a tactical overview of security, looking at what security types are available, and what they can do for you.  How does security work in JDE and what can you do to avoid some of the basic pitfalls?

Time remaining until our next JDE Security Academy Course

Countdown Expired!

JDE Security Academy Part 1 Course Topics and Schedule

All sessions are the second Tuesday of the month beginning at 11:00AM EST, 8:00AM PST

Jan. 12Security BasicsSecurity types, use & hierarchy, avoiding pitfalls
Feb. 9Advanced Security ConceptsAdvanced security issues
Mar. 9Security Change Control I: Role ControlRole based controls for requesting and approving access, self service
Apr. 13Security Change Control II: Promoting SecurityHow to manage security between dual security tables
May 11Row SecurityDeep dive on row security, what works and what doesn’t.  Strategies for implementing
Jun. 8Managing UDO SecurityHow to grant and easily manage access

JDE Security Academy Part 2 Course Topics and Schedule

All sessions are the second Tuesday of the month beginning at 11:00AM EST, 8:00AM PST

Jul. 13Implement security without Impacting the businessImplement Best Practices in a controlled manner
Aug. 10Compliance and Security reportingSOX controls reporting, audit reports, User access reporting
Sep. 14Preventative SoDStop violations before they happen
Oct. 12Security Strategy, Design and PlanningCreating a strategy and plan for now and the future
Nov. 9Automating security maintenanceAutomating Dos and Dont’s
Dec. 14Putting it all togetherKey points and business engagement


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